Sometimes in doing what we do we get to see issues arise that are glaringly important. Sometimes those issues transcend the local community and are such that they impact us, as well as the entire state.
One of those things came to my attention this week through a lifelong friend that just happens to be one of the foremost experts on people living on the spectrum.
My dear friend Jennifer Allen made me aware of some legislation pending before our current lawmakers, and I would like to share it and beg for your help in getting this much needed legislation made into law. It is my hope and wish that if enough of us speak to our lawmakers, we can get this legislation out of committee, and passed on the floor.
My friend shared this on her social media account this week.
OVERVIEW: Through the Texas DMV & DPS, a driver with a communication challenge may choose to disclose under “Communication Impediment” when registering their vehicle (DMV), or for placement on their Texas State ID or Driver License (DPS).
SB 680 is carried by Senator Bryan Hughes, and would drastically improve upon this system by revising Texas Transportation Code § 502.061(b) thus allowing the TLETS (Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) to specify Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing, Autism, Speech Language Impairment instead of the current broad term “communication impediment” within the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System.
This change will significantly aid peace officers in identifying the specific type of communication challenge when stopping a vehicle registered under this program. I have received many calls over the past 2 years, from Texas Highway Patrol and officers in the field, hoping to better specify a persons communication challenge, especially when approaching a vehicle in a pull-over scenario where things may go wrong quickly when communication is key.
“the greatest opportunity to provide pertinent driver information is through the vehicle license plate and registration. Senate Bill 680 filed by Senator Bryan Hughes and House Bill 2096 filed by Representative Armando Martinez seek to fulfill that need. Being aware of unique communication needs prior to contact will aid the officer in achieving a successful interaction. The Department appreciates this partnership and the work that has been done to provide pertinent information to law enforcement officers, reducing uncertainty and helping officers and Texans to interact safely and effectively.” – Colonel Freeman F. Martin/Director Texas DPS As my friend Jenn pointed out, a person who is deaf responds differently than a person whose brain processes slowly…this change would clarify for both the officer and certainly for drivers who choose to disclose.
Jenn’s son Sam, who has to deal with this issue personally, was instrumental in getting legislation passed a couple of years ago that is currently being used. It was life changing legislation then, and it can be even better now.
I have family that deals with communication issues every day. It is a personal issue to me. I know so many others that live with these challenges and I believe firmly that this new legislation will again change lives for the better.
Imagine for a minute if you were driving down the highway and got pulled over by a law enforcement official and did not have a means to communicate with the officer. Or maybe, the simple act of being pulled over sent you into a world of upset and confusion.
Think about those things and then I ask you to please consider talking to your local lawmakers about SB 680 and HB 2096. I personally have already contacted my State Rep. Gary VanDeaver. Also, Mt. Pleasant’s District 5 Rep. Cole Hefner is on the Transportation committee.
Please take a few minutes of your time and send an email or give a call to Rep. VanDeaver, Rep. Hefner or Senator Hughes and let them know you would love to see this legislation made into law.
I will consider it a personal favor.
You may learn more about the history of Texas Driving with Disability, as well as the 3 Texas Laws that have previously passed to build the trailblazing program we continue to grow and improve here in Texas, on the Governor’s webpage here:…/texas- driving-with-disability