New Boston author and director of Northeast Texas Properties Cal Davis was one of the many authors featured at last week’s Chocolate Party at the Atlanta Library. Atlanta Library’s chocolate party was a real candy of a get-together last Thursday. The purpose of the gathering was not really to sample chocolate. The store-bought bars and packages of candy were really just for appearance. The real purpose of the two-hour event was to meet authors and others who, like one’s self, were interested in books, how they get printed and how they get sold. One thing for certain is that at book signings and publishing parties, the patron doesn’t mind being shoulder- to-shoulder with the writer. One usually never gets this chance. Authors are rare individuals, truly hidden between pages. So, at the party, the citizen simply bumps up to the author and asks questions. Atlanta’s library was filled with readers and writers for the event. Some 10 tables were placed on three different floors of the building and many of these were just arms-length apart from each other. Of course, there were opportunities to support the library with sales and membership.
Photo by Neil Abeles Citizens Journal-Sun
June 26, 2024
Authors highlighted at local event