(Left to Right): John Owens, Hunter Garrett, Leeland Boyd, Levi Johnson, Riley Owen, Cameron Wallace, Luke McEntire, JT Bryson, Spencer Wells, Jaylee McClure. Not Pictured: Greer Early Courtesy Photo
October 19, 2022
Trap shooting team from Redwater High School hits mark during first two tournaments
During two recent tournaments, the Redwater High School (RHS) Trapshooting Team earned team and individual honors.
At the Pewitt FFA Trap Shoot in Ben Wheeler, TX, 166 students participated forming 44 teams from 15 different schools. RHS Team 1 of Greer Early, Hunter Garrett, John Owens and Cameron Wallace took 11th Place. RHS Team 2 of JT Bryson, Levi Johnson, Jaylee McClure and Spencer Wells received 25th Place. Hunter Garrett earned a score of 86, placing 20th out of 141 males individually.
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