“Because of the Lord’s faithful love, we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” – Lamentations 3:22-23
When did you hit a wall in a situation? Maybe your efforts failed, and you weren’t sure what to do next. Maybe there were no easy answers—only lots of questions. Whether working on a project, eating pancakes, investing in a relationship, writing a book, or running a marathon, we hit obstacles, illness rises, debates take pla...
“Because of the Lord’s faithful love, we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” – Lamentations 3:22-23
When did you hit a wall in a situation? Maybe your efforts failed, and you weren’t sure what to do next. Maybe there were no easy answers—only lots of questions. Whether working on a project, eating pancakes, investing in a relationship, writing a book, or running a marathon, we hit obstacles, illness rises, debates take place, and personalities clash. Life comes with roadblocks and curves; on certain days, suffering seems to fly at us like a rushing wind.
But limits don’t apply to God. Jeremiah put it this way—God’s mercies never end.
So extraordinary is God’s limitlessness in meeting our needs; Jeremiah stated it here in four different ways— God’s love is faithful, His mercies never end, they are new every morning, and His faithfulness is great!
It’s important to understand that Jeremiah wasn’t celebrating a circumstance. He was God’s prophet during some of Israel’s very worst days. You, too, may feel like you are enduring some terrible, sad, or hard days. Are your worst days at hand? Do you feel the war is ongoing, the one to find joy?
The Babylonian army had sieged Jerusalem; there was a famine in the city. The temple was looted and burned. The leaders were executed. The people were exiled. And Jeremiah served in the already unpopular role of a prophet during a horrifically undesirable time.
Maybe your role isn’t popular. May you aren’t pleased with the famine of the heart of many, or things in life seem looted and destroyed. But take heart, God calls you. God can use you in your exiled, hard season.
For Jeremiah, all that difficulty was secondary to the knowledge that God’s mercy is limitless. He needed God, and God was an ever-present help, a refuge, and strength for whatever he would face. Jeremiah and all of Israel were overwhelmed. But God’s mercies would never end.
God’s love for us is faithful one hundred percent of the time. Every morning, we know that He extends His mercy to us. He never hits His limit, no matter how much we push Him. He is gracious, merciful, compassionate, and faithful to us, a sinful and broken people, over and over again.
To say that God is there to meet our needs every hour of every day is to say also that there is hope in every circumstance. Our circumstances may be out of our hands, but they are in His. And every day, His mercies are new.
So what are you waiting for God to provide? How is He revealing His mercies as you wait? What can you do to offer hope to others within your community?
Take a step. Look around. Do it on purpose. Hug someone. Wash someone’s car. Do a chore for a neighbor—Bake cookies for someone. Share kindness. Listen to someone. Hold someone’s hand. Sit in the shade and pray. Pass on encouragement to those within your reach—battle for joy.
And please, thank God that His mercies are new each day. Praise Him for His faithfulness in meeting your needs. Keep in mind that He’s the strength in any battle. The comforter when the storms rage. The Savior who saves and redeems us.
So, ask Him to help you trust in His limitless provision. He’s full of mercy. New each day. Just for you. Great is His faithfulness.